20 Reasons To Breastfeed in West Des Moines IA
Chiropractic West Des Moines IA 20 Reasons to Breastfeed

20 reasons to breastfeed in West Des Moines IA.

  1. A study indicated that breastfeeding was protective against SIDS.
  2. Antibody levels were significantly higher in breastfed infants than bottle fed infants. This gives strong evidence that breastfeeding enhances the active immune response in the first year of life.
  3. Breast milk provides all the nutrition a baby needs for at least the first six months of life.
  4. Eczema was less common and milder in babies who were breastfed (22%) than those on cow's milk (70%).
  5. Research indicates that breast fed infants have less visits to the pediatrician than bottle fed infants.
  6. Breastfeeding strengthens in the infants immune system.
  7. According to a Japanese study, breast milk is the only ingredient which can actually separate the good bacteria from the bad bacteria and destroy the bad bacteria.
  8. A marked reduction in the risk of developing ovarian cancer was associated with having breastfed.
  9. Breastfeeding has a preventative effect on urinary tract infection in both mother and baby.
  10. Breastfeeding enhances immunological development of the G.I. tract (less colic, etc.).
  11. Breastfeeding enhances development of the cervical spinal muscles.
  12. According to Mendelsohn, bottle feeding may produce ear problems.
  13. Breast fed stools produce an enzyme that helps destroy the bacteria that provides diaper rash.
  14. Breastfeeding produces a bond between mother and child that is lost in bottle feeding.
  15. Breastfed stools have less odor.
  16. 50 years of research indicates that many diseases that occur in bottle fed infants do not occur in breast fed infants.
  17. Breastfeeding decreased the incidence of jaundice.
  18. Breastfeeding provides protection against breast cancer.
  19. Lack of breastfeeding is a risk factor with later development of Crohn's disease.
  20. Breastfeeding decreased insulin requirements in diabetic women.

Some More information for West Des Moines IA Parents

Human milk cannot be duplicated. Human milk contains a wide range of compounds such as; trace elements, simple and complex proteins, glycoproteins and peptides, both fat and water soluble vitamins, lecithin, mono-di- and tri-glycerides, and free fatty acids, etc. It is totally impossible to reproduce the exact composition of breast milk, as all the nutrients are species specific and no other milk from any other species can duplicate mother's milk.