Vero Health Center Blog

the sitting epidemic back pain neck pain

Headache Tips from a West Des Moines Chiropractic Office

Headache Tips from a West Des Moines Chiropractic Office Just about everyone in West Des Moines suffers from headaches once in awhile. Most of them don’t require any kind of medical attention and gradually subside with time. It is when a headache starts to interfere with your daily activities or takes them over completely that…

chiropractor discusses herniated discs

West Des Moines Chiropractor Discusses Herniated Discs

West Des Moines Chiropractor Discusses Herniated Discs One of the back conditions that patients routinely visit a West Des Moines chiropractor for is a herniated disc. This type of injury generally responds well to chiropractic treatment so it’s wise to schedule an appointment in the early stages. Herniated disc treatment can help patients avoid prescription…

Vero Health Center - Chronic Pain - West Des Moines Chiropractor

You Don’t Have To Just Live With Chronic Pain

We often get patients in our West Des Moines chiropractic office that have dealt with pain for several years. It is estimated that 20% of US adults suffer from chronic pain according to the Center For Disease Control. What is Chronic Pain? Chronic pain is pain that has persisted for longer than 6 months. This…

chiropractor may help tmj pain

West Des Moines Chiropractor May Help TMJ

West Des Moines Chiropractor May Help TMJ Among the areas of the body that West Des Moines chiropractors are able to help, many people are surprised to learn that the jaw is on the list. It’s easy to associate back pain and neck pain with chiropractic treatment, but people who suffer from TMJ or Temporomandibular…

Backpack Size Guide For Kids - Vero Health Center - West Des Moines

Backpack Size Guide For Kids

As kids and parents in West Des Moines get ready for children returning back to school, finding a backpack is an essential part of that process. However, what most don’t place enough importance on is making sure the backpack is an appropriate size for your child. Backpack Sizing Tips Here are a few key things…

Text Neck Syndrome & Chiropractic

Text Neck “Syndrome?” Signs and Symptoms of Text Neck in West Des Moines IA: Instant upper back or neck pain when using a handheld device. Nagging or sharp pain in the neck or shoulders at the end of the day. General shoulder pain and tightness. Intermittent or constant headache made worse when looking down or…