Importance of Your Morning Routine in West Des Moines IA

Now in a great time to take back or reinvent your morning routine in West Des Moines IA!
Does your morning routine go something like this?
- Alarm goes off.
- Hit Snooze. Once. Twice. Three Times.
- Drag yourself out of bed.
- Jump in the shower before your kids get up.
- Quickly throw breakfast on the table and scurry to get kids ready for school.
- Maybe drink a lukewarm cup of coffee for breakfast.
- Race through drop-offs and get yourself to work barely on time.
If this sounds like your routine, you are not alone.
This stress-filled morning fills your body with an early dose of stress the pushes your body into a neurological state of Fight or Flight. Most of us unfortunately spend the rest of the day in this state of mind.
"Before you master your life, you must first master your day. Before you master your day, you must first master your morning. Before you master your morning, you must first master yourself. In order to make time for morning rituals, you must get up earlier."
Dr. CJ Mertz
In order to master your morning, you must adopt these principles:
- Create the time to take back your morning.
- Wake-up earlier. This might also require you to go to bed earlier.
- Start your day with some "you" time.
- Create a daily, non-negotiable schedule that sets you up for success.
Getting into a new routine first starts with a compelling reason to get out of bed. Read, stretch, walk the dog, pray, workout, meditate, run, or journal. Keep it relaxed, inspiring, and fulfilling. Enjoy something that you've been missing because you 'don't have the time'.
Routines are the things that you have to do; rituals are the things that you get to do. A best practice for ensuring an enriching start to your day is to allow 20-30 minutes for yourself. Determine how long it takes for you to shower, dress and eat a nutritious breakfast, and add this additional time for your morning rituals.
Set your alarm for a 15-minute earlier wake-up every three days for 21 days in a row. Repeat this until you have achieved your target time wake-up time!
Every day you get to decide if you will start rushed, anxious stressed, or relaxed. Earlier mornings start the night before with earlier bedtimes. Get your 7+ hours, maximize your sleep cycles, and design a morning that gets you up and at it before the alarm clock ever rings.
What does all this have to do with neurologically-based chiropractic care? The less stressed your body is, the better your body functions.
Vero Health Center: Best Local Chiropractor in West Des Moines IA and Central IA
At Vero Health Center, we focus on neurologically-based chiropractic care. We administer the best and most specific type of chiropractic care, addressing the master control system of the body. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology to pinpoint and locate the root cause of your health concerns. The next step for you and your family is to schedule a comprehensive evaluation with our office, so we can better understand your unique needs. Click here or call (515) 422-9552 to book your no-obligation appointment TODAY!
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 9:00am
4:00pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday

Vero Health Center
630 S 50th St
West Des Moines, IA 50265