The Source:
A Vero Health Center Newsletter - Volume 81

Back To School Tips For Easy Transportation
As the new school year approaches, parents and students often feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. Preparing ahead can make the transition smoother and more enjoyable. Here are some essential tips to get ready for the new academic year in West Des Moines IA.
- School Supplies Checklist: Create a list of necessary school supplies, including notebooks, pens, pencils, and any specific items required by teachers. Shopping early helps avoid last-minute stress and ensures you have everything needed.
- Organization is Key: Teach your child to stay organized. Use binders, folders, and planners to track assignments and schedules. Setting up a homework space at home can also enhance focus and productivity.
- Transitioning to a Routine: Gradually shift to a school routine a week or two before classes start. Adjust bedtimes and wake-up times, and practice morning routines to help your child adapt to the school schedule.
- Communicate Openly: Encourage your child to share any concerns about returning to school. Open communication can address anxieties and set a positive tone for the year ahead.
With thoughtful preparation, both parents and students can embrace the new school year with confidence and enthusiasm!
State Fair Fun At Vero
To celebrate the State Fair at Vero, we will have fun fair foods and giveaways each day, August 8th through the 18th. Be sure to stop by our booth at the fair and say hello to some friendly faces!
Did You Know... Iowa State Fair Edition
The Iowa State Fair is back! The fair goes from August 8th through the 18th. Test your State Fair knowledge with these fun facts...
- How many food classes are judged annually? The Iowa State Fair features the largest state fair foods department with nearly 900 classes and hundreds of individual entries.
- How many cows are milked daily during the Fair in the milking parlor? Eighteen cows on average (many more during the first weekend when Dairy Cattle are showing).
- How many bales of hay can fit into the Paul R. Knapp Animal Learning Center? It would take 96,075 bales of hay to fill the building from top to bottom. That is $672,525 worth of hay!
- What has been the largest Fair attendance? In 2019, the attendance was a record-breaking 1,170,375. The second highest Fair attendance on record was in 2018 with 1,130,260 Fairgoers.
- What was the hottest temperature recorded at the Fair? On August 16, 1983, it was 108 degrees and it just happened to be Older Iowans' Day.
- What happens to the butter from which the Butter Cow is sculpted? It is frozen and stored during the year and can be reused for up to 10 years. Butter sculptures have been a part of the Fair since 1911. It takes an estimated 600 pounds of butter and 16 hours to craft the Butter Cow alone.
- About how many concessionaires and exhibitors operate on the grounds? Approximately 500 exhibitors and concessions operate daily during the Fair.
Community Engagement
We launched a series of educational talks for existing Practice Members in our office. Here is a list of our upcoming talks:
- Aug. 21st: How to Raise Healthy Kids
- Sept. 25th: Hormones and Health: What You Need to Know
- Oct. 16th: Sciatica & Low Back
- Nov. 13th: Navigating Hormonal Imbalances: Tips and Strategies
- Dec. 14th: Gut Health & Weight Loss

9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 9:00am
4:00pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday

Vero Health Center
630 S 50th St
West Des Moines, IA 50265