Vero Health Center Blog

West Des Moines Athletes Improve with Chiropractic Care

West Des Moines Athletes Improve with Chiropractic Care

West Des Moines Athletes Improve with Chiropractic Care Athletes are always looking for an edge to take their performances to another level. No matter what sport you play, the competition is always getting bigger, faster and stronger which means you have to continually improve in order to keep up. Some athletes turn to dishonest methods…

Boost Your Immunity During Coronavirus Season - Vero Health Center - West Des Moines Chiropractor

How To Boost Your Immunity During The Coronavirus

Vero Health Center Family, We pray this finds you well! We know the shelves are starting to look empty and no cleaning products or toilet paper in sight. So much coming at us all and it can be scary. We know that the best thing to do right now is to make sure we’re all…

Achieve a Healthier Spine in West Des Moines

Achieve a Healthier Spine in West Des Moines

Achieve a Healthier Spine in West Des Moines How many times daily do you stop and think about your spine? If you are like a lot of us in West Des Moines that number sits a solid “zero”. As long as we can carry on daily we simply assume everything is just fine, that is…

Low Back Problems & Chiropractic Care

Almost everyone will experience some form of back pain, ranging from slightly irritating to completely crippling, in their lifetime. Vero Health Center in West Des Moines is dedicated to enhancing the function of the nervous system and/or musculoskeletal system. Generally, Dr. Josiah and our team maintain a unique focus on structural adjustments of the spine…

Exercise and Chiropractic - Vero Health Center - West Des Moines

Why Exercise Is Important

Exercise is not a luxury. Movement is an essential nutrient. You can’t be healthy in West Des Moines, without movement. While movement is a vital part of being fit, there is more to being healthy than just ‘being in shape’. Our ancestors never had the option of just sitting down at a restaurant and ordering…

March 2020 Newsletter

A Vero Chiropractic Newsletter in West Des Moines. Happy New Year!! Here’s to 2020… With the New Year comes the opportunity to make changes, set new goals, break bad habits, and resolve to become healthier. A healthy spine and nervous system should be the starting point of ANY New Year’s resolution for better health. Let…