Vero Health Center Blog

Chiropractic West Des Moines IA Success Story

Neurologically-Based Chiropractic Care For Infertility and Anxiety

Sally first came to Vero Health Center in West Des Moines IA for anxiety and infertility. She was experiencing constant worry, nervousness, low energy, insomnia, and constantly feeling overwhelmed. She also was struggling with getting pregnant. After roughly 15 years of “dealing” with the symptoms and even taking medication, Sally was ready to starting living…

Chiropractic West Des Moines IA Common Chiropractic Questions

Three Common Questions, Answered By Vero Health Center

You’ve likely heard more and more people in your community talk about going to the chiropractor as part of their health and wellness plan. At the rate chiropractic care is growing, this will only become more and more common. So, WHY are people focusing on their spinal health and seeing chiropractors regularly? Because once you…

Chiropractic West Des Moines IA Infertility and Chiropractic Care

The Connection Between Infertility and Chiropractic Care

9% of the population struggles with infertility. While that number does seem staggering, it is to those actually suffering with infertility issues in West Des Moines. Many couples in this 9% will seek help through medication, lifestyle changes, acupuncture, and really anything claiming to increase fertility. What most people don’t consider is turning to chiropractic…

Chiropractic West Des Moines IA Acute Pain Vs. Chronic Pain

Acute Pain vs. Chronic Pain And Chiropractic Care

Pain is unfortunately a part of life, from skinned knees to headaches to arthritis. The question is often, when do you consult a doctor? How much pain is enough to seek medical help? This is where it is helpful to know the difference between acute and chronic pain in West Des Moines. Acute Pain Acute…

Chiropractic West Des Moine IA Success Story

Success Story: Chronic Back Pain

Neurologically-Based Chiropractic Care To Treat Chronic Back Pain Serving in our military, Stephanie had experienced chronic back and neck pain that was impacting her quality of life. Through neurologically-based chiropractic care in West Des Moines, we have been able to alleviate her pain and improve her lifestyle. Whether you are suffering from acute or chronic…

Chiropractic West Des Moines IA Sickness and Chiropractic Care

Sickness and Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care in West Des Moines won’t make you immune to “sickness”, but it WILL help you fight illness and recover quicker. There are times in our office we hear practice members say, “I couldn’t come in last week because I had the flu. I thought my adjustments would prevent me from getting sick.” And…